I literally, about 40 minutes ago, typed “The End” at the bottom of the manuscript for The Divine and Deadly.
So the final book of the Magorian and Jones series is done. It’ll be going through the editing process over the next few weeks, then uploaded to take the place of the dummy manuscript that is behind the pre-order wall right now.
I’m very happy with how the final book came out. All the way through this series I knew I would have to deal with the last book’s gods and disasters, and have been trying to figure out how to do that (after all, they’re gods).
It took a huge amount of research, but the book is done. And I managed to get a few more volcanoes into it (one of my favourite things!).
The Divine and the Deadly is already available for pre-order:
The old gods have arrived, ready to punish humans and Old Ones with tribulations that resemble hell on Earth.
Magorian, the world’s first modern wizard, and Dr. Michael Jones, failed to stop the Siren, Aurelius, from summoning the old gods. Now the world is reeling from the destruction that Agrona, God of Slaughter and Carnage, is hailing down upon every mortal, no matter what their race.
Magorian and Jones must find a way to send the old gods back to where they came from before their ways crack open the world and destroy everyone upon it, both human and Old Ones.
The Divine and Deadly is the final book in the urban fantasy series, Magorian & Jones, by Taylen Carver.
1.0: The Memory of Water
2.0: The Triumph of Felix
3.0: The Shield of Agrona
3.1: The Wizard Must be Stopped!
4.0: The Rivers Ran Red
5.0: The Divine and Deadly
Urban Fantasy Novel
Praise for the Magorian & Jones series:Plenty of exciting twists and turns.
Feel the tingling of danger, the aha’s of escaping death, and the excitement of magic.
I loved this and will continue on with the series.
I’m a sucker for wounded, conflicted heroes, and Jones was just that.
I loved it; a magnificent first book in this really different new series.
Will definitely look for further books by this author and series.
Fast paced, exciting reads you won’t want to put down!
I’m overjoyed to be back in this amazing world building series
I highly recommend this series to all who love fantasy with a twist, adventure, surprises, and the occasional human, aside from one of our human heroes of course
story manages to be more intimate than ever
This book gets dark and gritty right from the beginning and does not shy away
the kind of story that will drag you in and keep you reading
Well paced, good balance between action and character development
Such is the joy of reading the works of an excellent writer with a great imagination and the ability to tell an absolutely fascinating story.
You can pick up The Divine and Deadly for pre-order at my store, Stories Rule Press, or at your preferred retail store.
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