June 2022

Do You Like Short(er) Stories? (And my new short urban fantasy is now out!)

There’s a fascinating discussion going on in one of my author groups, about writing short.  So I thought I’d ask you about reading short(er) stories. Just to give you some perspective on that; traditional, NY-based publishing, the books you see on the shelves in bookstores, generally runs to around 100,000 words, if not more.  Fantasy

Do You Like Short(er) Stories? (And my new short urban fantasy is now out!) Read More »

TOUCHED BY FAELIGHT only two weeks away!

We’re two weeks away from the release of Touched by Faelight.  It’s time for the first chapter.  Only, there are no chapters for this story.  Instead, I’ll drop a largish excerpt, below. Enjoy! EXCERPT FROM TOUCHED BY FAELIGHT COPYRIGHT © TAYLEN CARVER 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Touched By Faelight We were crossing the Bosphorus in

TOUCHED BY FAELIGHT only two weeks away! Read More »

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