Coming Up Next…

What’s Next…?

It’s been a while since I was able to update you on upcoming stories, etc. I’m thrilled to be able to do so, now. I’ve had a rough year or so, with other personal commitments demanding time that I used to use for writing.

I’m glad to say those commitments have sorted themselves out, and I’m getting back to writing at a pace I used to — more or less.

So what’s coming up?

More Harley Firebird

Book 8 of the Harley Firebird series is well underway. I even have a title and cover for it, but I do not, at this stage, have a blurb.

I will talk about release dates for The Shield of Falconer closer to the time, but for now, enjoy the cover:

The cover was built off Dar Dixon’s amazing artwork:

And also coming up:

The final Magorian & Jones

As soon as I’ve finished The Shield of Falconer, I will be switching over to completing the Magorian & Jones series. The final book is The Divine and Deadly.

I have the concept for the book worked out — I had that figured out a long time ago. But the plot will need to be fleshed out. I don’t have artwork for it yet, either. But as soon as I have something, I’ll share.

Another Street Magic story

Touched by Faelight is the short urban fantasy story that was originally included in Lyn Worthen’s award winning Street Magic anthology.

A second anthology has been called and I have been invited to contribute a story. So somewhere in among the books I’ve already mentioned, I will also be building another short story for Street Magic 2.

Of course I’ll keep you updated on all the stories as they come to fruition.


Taylen Carver - Fantasy Fiction
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