The Next Harley Firebird Tale Is A Novel!!

You bitched discussed, I listened.

Although there was a large degree of self-interest in switching the Harley Firebird stories to novel length — writing novelettes is a lot harder than writing novels. 🙂

As I mentioned the other day, when I was talking about length, that I would give you a heads-up when The Angel Who Wasn’t was available for pre-order.

That would be now.  🙂

Harley learns that everyone hides something, even the Old Races…

It’s summer and Falconer is exploding with tourists who want to spot the Old Races in their native habitat.  Harley and her police officers find keeping the peace a challenge.  Then a dear friend of Harley’s is found murdered and Harley must face a raw truth: That she didn’t know her friend very well at all.

Investigating the murder pulls Harley into dark, unexpected pockets of life in Falconer that threaten her town and the people she thought were friends….

The Angel Who Wasn’t is part of the Harley Firebird urban fantasy series, which is set in the same fantasy world as Taylen Carver’s Magorian & Jones series.

The Harley Firebird series:
1.0: The Dragon of Falconer
2.0: The Orc Who Cried
3.0: The Shepherd of Fire
4.0: The Mad Folk of Falconer
5.0: The Badge of Our Tribe
5.5: Harley Firebird Files
6.0: The Firebird’s Regret
7.0: The Angel Who Wasn’t
…and more to come.

Urban Fantasy Novelette’s & Novel’s

The Angel Who Wasn’t will be released on all bookstores on September 8th.  If you pre-order your book from me, you will receive it a week earlier.  You can also buy it from me at SRP from September 1 onward, if you’re not a fan of pre-orders.  🙂

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