I’ve Finished!

I’m finished the book!  Now I’m on track to release it next month!!

I’m super happy with how the story came out, and I’ve even seen the rough cover–and that’s fantastic, too.

You’ll start to see more details on the site (and receive them by email, if you’re signed up) over the next few weeks, as production on the book proceeds.

But for now:  The first book of the series; The Memory of Water has a page here on the site, where you can find a excerpt (for now), plus eventually the cover, early street team reviews and eventually, links to the book itself.  You can find that page here.

The series itself also has a page, where you can find a list of the books in the series in their proper order, and a description of the series.  That page is here.

Explore!  And watch this space.  More to come.

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