Curated Fantasy Books

Fellow Stories Rule Press author Cameron Cooper posted earlier this month that they’d reached the semi-finals in the Self-Published Science Fiction Contest run by Hugh Howey.

First off, congratulations to Cameron.

Secondly, the post made me wonder if you were aware that there is an older, similar contest out there, one just for fantasy.

The Self Published Fantasy Blog-Off has been running for at least eight years.  The 2022 contest, which limits entries to 300, filled in nine hours.

More to the point, browsing through the contest site and checking out the quarter-finalists, semi-finalists and finalists is a great way to find really good fantasy that you might not otherwise hear of.

Check out the 2022 contest details here — they will be announcing winners in May, but are currently reviewing the finalists, so there’s some excellent stories to be found there.


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