Magic systems in fantasy often fall into two distinct categories: hard magic and soft magic. Each offers unique storytelling opportunities, although readers tend to gravitate towards one or the other. What is the allure of each?
I know I lean heavily toward hard magic, myself. Magic as technology has a strong appeal for me. The Lord of the Rings has a very soft magic system, which is a mere halo laying over Middle Earth, and for me, it is the least interesting aspect of the story. Like Tolkien, I’m much more interested in the history of the Elves and Men.
Yet, interestingly, one of the scenes that sticks in my mind from Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit is the scene where Gandalf is discussing the wizards, and that there are only ever five of them, which he names. I found that interesting, because the movie was defining and laying limits upon the magic system, instead of having Gandalf mutter “words” as he did in The Lord of the Rings (book).
While there are readers who prefer that magic systems remain vague and mysterious, without limitations, or even much definition.
Hard Magic
Clear and well-defined rules, limitations, and mechanics characterize hard magic systems.
In these systems, the workings of magic resemble a form of natural law or science within the fictional world.
Authors meticulously outline the capabilities and constraints of magic, allowing readers to understand how it operates and anticipate its effects.
One of the most well-known hard magic systems is Brandon Sanderson’s Allomancy in the Mistborn series and Patrick Rothfuss’s Sympathy in The Kingkiller Chronicle. In Sanderson’s works, Allomancers must ingest and burn specific metals to access magical powers, while in Rothfuss’s novels, Sympathy requires energy transfers between objects with similar properties.
Soft Magic
Soft magic systems, on the other hand, are more fluid and mysterious, with vague or undefined rules and limitations. In these systems, the mechanics of magic remain shrouded in mystery, often invoking a sense of wonder and awe.
Characters may wield magical powers without fully understanding how they work, and the boundaries of magic are left open to interpretation.
As I’ve already mentioned, Tolkien’s Middle-Earth is the classic example, where wizards like Gandalf wield magical powers with origins rooted in ancient lore and myth.
There is also George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, where the nature of magic is enigmatic and unpredictable.
Why Readers Prefer One over the Other
Readers tend to gravitate towards either hard or soft magic systems based on their personal preferences and storytelling preferences. Here are some reasons why:
Sense of Mystery vs. Understanding
Readers who enjoy soft magic systems appreciate the sense of mystery and wonder they evoke. The ambiguous nature of magic allows for unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers engaged as they speculate about its origins and potential.
On the other hand, readers who prefer hard magic systems value the sense of understanding and predictability they provide. Clear rules and limitations allow readers to anticipate how magic will be used and to appreciate the strategic depth it adds to the plot.
Immersion vs. Accessibility
Soft magic systems often contribute to a deeper sense of immersion in the fantastical world of the story. The mysterious nature of magic mirrors the mysteries of the world itself, drawing readers into its intricacies and complexities.
In contrast, hard magic systems offer a more accessible entry point for readers, providing clear guidelines that help them navigate the complexities of the magical elements in the story.
Consistency vs. Flexibility
Hard magic systems are praised for their consistency and logic, as they adhere to clearly defined rules and limitations throughout the narrative. This consistency allows for strategic planning and problem-solving, as characters must work within the confines of the established magic system.
Soft magic systems, on the other hand, offer greater flexibility and adaptability, allowing authors to introduce new magical elements or unexpected twists without the need for extensive exposition or justification. (And if that sounds even mildly disparaging to you, you’re not wrong.)
There are interesting facets to both, and while I will read fantasy that has either, I usually find the stories that feature hard magic systems more satisfying.
What about you? Do you lean toward hard or soft magic systems in your fantasy fiction?
Share your thoughts in comments, below.
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