Did You Miss It?

I’ve been sliding a lot of new pages and content onto the site, lately.  If this is your first time to the site, you might not have noticed it yet. If you’re returning (hi!), then you might have missed it because it’s new. So I thought I’d draw your attention to one page in particular:  […]

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I’ve Finished!

I’m finished the book!  Now I’m on track to release it next month!! I’m super happy with how the story came out, and I’ve even seen the rough cover–and that’s fantastic, too. You’ll start to see more details on the site (and receive them by email, if you’re signed up) over the next few weeks,

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Why Ebooks Are Forever and Print Books Don’t Last

The ebook versus print book topic tends to polarize people–readers are passionate about their print books…or not. I am very firmly in the ebook camp.  I have been reading electronically for decades (yes, for more than 20 years), and these days resent having to read print books, if forced to it.  I avoid it where

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Wanna read it for Free?

I’m getting very close to finishing the first book in the series, The Memory of Water.  (As advertised, I’ve changed the name.) Because the release date is coming up super fast, I’m scrambling to build a street team to review the book.  Therefore, I’m opening the list up for a short while. If you’d like

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A teaser for you!

I meant to write a post a few days ago, but something happened: I started writing the story itself. I’ve been sucked deep into the story and as I write this post, I’m now nearly 40,000 words into the story and approaching the half-way point. This book will be much longer than I thought it

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Getting There…

I took a couple of days off to deal with business.  Today I got back to plotting the first book (and laying seeds for following books). There is a lot of story to shove into the first book.  But I’m slowly narrowing down the plot to the essentials, so it’s a nice, tight read. At the

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What’s Your Story?

Tolkien was brilliant at backstory.  Scratch the surface of any of his characters in The Lord of the Rings, and you can’t help but unearth an interesting, unique life story.  Sometimes those stories actually played out in the books themselves.  Sometimes they were only hinted at, but you could glimpse them and couldn’t help but be

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Details! Details!

Details! Details! I got caught up with administrivia yesterday and didn’t get any work done on the book. But today I did.  I’m still world building, which is kinda scary.  There’s an awful lot of detail building up.  Histories, characters, family trees, fantasy species and their interlocking relationships to each other. It’s slowly moving over to

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