Lord of the Rings

The Banality of Evil in Fantasy Fiction: What Makes a Villain?

When we think about villains in fantasy literature, our minds often conjure the iconic figures who tower over their worlds, dripping with malice and menace. Sauron. Voldemort. The White Witch. These are the names that dominate the genre—the villains who are grand, larger than life, and indisputably evil. But what about the ones who aren’t? […]

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The Cracking of Civilizations

  Today, in 1789, the peasants of Paris stormed the Bastille, triggering a major historical event, The French Revolution. The consequences and effects of the French Revolution can be tracked through history — the American Revolution and the United States’ Constitution were built upon the ideas and concepts that emerged from the Revolution. The idea

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Hooked on Classics

Why did I become a writer?  The short answer:  Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Which is a pretty cliched reason for a speculative fiction author, but it’s utterly true.  Here’s the twist, though:  I was introduced to both story worlds in the same six month period. Phew! It was a watershed year, for

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