New Release

The Surrealism of Writing about A Pandemic During a Pandemic Hasn’t Escaped Me…

In October 2020, I spent an hour on the phone, helping a fellow author put his self-confidence back together. He’d just released his book for 2020.  He’s traditionally published, and NY publishers generally don’t allow authors to write more than a book a year (which is considered amazingly prolific by NY standards). His book is […]

The Surrealism of Writing about A Pandemic During a Pandemic Hasn’t Escaped Me… Read More »

Do foreign settings ruin stories for you?

When authors first get into the publishing business, especially if they go the indie-author route, they’re nearly always told to set their stories in the United States, or else feature an American central character. The theory is that United States readers won’t read a book set anywhere else featuring foreign characters.  And as US readers

Do foreign settings ruin stories for you? Read More »

Hooked Ever Since.

Most of you by now are probably aware that I was hit between the eyes by The Lord of the Rings at a very young age, which was my first exposure to classic fantasy. However. Only a few months later, I discovered The Dark is Rising, by Susan Cooper. It is the second book in

Hooked Ever Since. Read More »

Wanna read it for Free?

I’m getting very close to finishing the first book in the series, The Memory of Water.  (As advertised, I’ve changed the name.) Because the release date is coming up super fast, I’m scrambling to build a street team to review the book.  Therefore, I’m opening the list up for a short while. If you’d like

Wanna read it for Free? Read More »

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