A Song of Ice and Fire

The Banality of Evil in Fantasy Fiction: What Makes a Villain?

When we think about villains in fantasy literature, our minds often conjure the iconic figures who tower over their worlds, dripping with malice and menace. Sauron. Voldemort. The White Witch. These are the names that dominate the genre—the villains who are grand, larger than life, and indisputably evil. But what about the ones who aren’t? […]

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The Duality of Magic Systems in Fantasy: Hard vs. Soft Magic

Magic systems in fantasy often fall into two distinct categories: hard magic and soft magic. Each offers unique storytelling opportunities, although readers tend to gravitate towards one or the other. What is the allure of each? I know I lean heavily toward hard magic, myself.  Magic as technology has a strong appeal for me.  The

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