George R.R. Martin

Mapping the Magic: A Guide to Fantasy’s Many Systems

Let’s talk magic. It’s the bread and butter of fantasy, isn’t it? The thing that turns a good story into something downright enchanting. If you’re anything like me, you’ve come across all sorts of magical systems while reading, and it’s impossible not to notice how different authors put their own spin on it. Some like to map out every single rule and consequence (Sanderson, I’m looking at you), while others leave magic as a mysterious force we just have to trust (Tolkien, we’re all still guessing).

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The Duality of Magic Systems in Fantasy: Hard vs. Soft Magic

Magic systems in fantasy often fall into two distinct categories: hard magic and soft magic. Each offers unique storytelling opportunities, although readers tend to gravitate towards one or the other. What is the allure of each? I know I lean heavily toward hard magic, myself.  Magic as technology has a strong appeal for me.  The

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